Thursday, August 22, 2013

Difference between original ramayan and the ramayan you know

Difference between original ramayan and the ramayan you know

Know about ORIGINAL Ramayana

Almost all of indian are well aware of the great epic RAMAYANA which is considered very sacred by our hindu brethren. From this epic we come to know about Shri Ram chandr ji who is highly respected and revered by our hindu brethren. Shri Ram chandr ji is worshipped by most of hindus. They consider him incarnation of God. However ar the same time Shri Ram chandr ji is called - purushottam - means Best among MEN.

                Ramayan literary means - The coming of Ram. This great epic was written by Valmiki ji. Period of valmiki ji is estimated to be around 400-500BC. So people call ramayan popularly as Valmiki Ramayan. It contains story about the King dashrath, his  wives and 4 sons. Shri Ram chandr ji was the eldest of son and he sacrificed his position as king and was forced to exile in jungle for 14 years. 
Now most of you may be thinking why i am telling you all these when all these are know to every common indian. Kindly read ahead for the answer.

Why i am telling all these
But......wait-Do you know that the Ramayan i and you know is NOT the original VALMIKI RAMAYAN? Do you know the ramayan TV serial that we watched on TV during 1990s is NOT based on original Ramayan?
Now here comes a question in mind - what is original ramayan and what is other ramayan?
Actually when valmiki ji wrote the Ramayan - it was a great epic, it was a masterpeice in the field of literature. It became highly popular among common people. Hindus would read Ramayana in their homes.
After this Valmiki Ramayan there were several ramayan written by people afterwards. All these subsequent ramayan contained story of Valmiki ramayan but with plus and minus. It means that subsequent ramayana differed from the original ramayan in several ways. But there was only one Ramayan which was written after Valmiki Ramayan that became highly popular and that was Tulsidas (He was contemporary to King Akbar) written RAMCHARITMANAS. So Ramcharitmanas was written around 2000 years after original ramayan was written.
And to give you shock - hold your breath - the Ramayan that you know today is NOT the original Ramayan written by Valmiki ji rather it is Tulsidas written Ramcharitmanas. So now you would have got the idea of original ramayan and the Ramayan you know today.
But important point is - what are major differences between original ramayan and Ramcharitmanas?
Here is the answer:

A. Tulsidas written Ramcharitamans (The ramayan you know today)
1. Shri Ram chandr Ji was an avtaar of God or he was God.
2. Shri Ram chandr Ji had one wife.
3. King dashrath had 3 wives
4. It was written during 1500AD

B. Original ramayan written by Valmiki ji(The ramayan you did not know)
1. There is NOT a single refernce where Shri Ram chandr Ji is projected as God or avtaar or God or diety. Let me repeat. There is NOT a single refernce in original Ramayan where Shri Ram chandr Ji is projected as God or avtaar or God or diety.
Always he is projected as a man, a nice and nobel person. Maryada Puroshattam ram as Hindus call him testifies to this. Purushottam - means Best among MEN. All those reference where Shri Ram chandr Ji is depicted as "human being-and-Not god" are removed and not to be found in Ramcharitamans. If you read original ramayan then you will feel Shri Ram chandr Ji to be a human being only.

2. Shri Ram chandr Ji had several wives apart from seeta.
Ayodha Kandam 8th Chapter, verse 12 - "Rama's wives will get delighted"

3. King dashrath had more than 350 wives.
(i) Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda, Chapter 34, Verses 10 to 13:

'Dasharatha summons Sumantra to fetch all his wives when Rama was ready to to go to forest. Sumantra, after entering the gynaecium, spoke these words to those women as follows: "Oh, the venerable ladies! The king is calling you. Go there without delay. All those women, asked thus by Sumantra as per the king's orders, went to his palace, after knowing the instructions of their husband.'

Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda, Chapter 34, Verse 10

Dasaratha said to Sumantra,

"Oh, Sumantra! being all my wives, who are here. Surrounded by all of them, I want to see the virtuous Rama."

('who are here' means available at the capital city then)

Valmiki Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda, Chapter 34, Verse 13:

अर्ध सप्त शताः ताः तु प्रमदाः ताम्र लोचनाः |
कौसल्याम् परिवार्य अथ शनैः जग्मुर् धृत व्रताः || २-३४-१३

“ardha sapta shataah taah tu pramadaah taamra locanaah |
kausalyaam parivaarya atha shanaih jagmur dhrita vrataah ||” 2-34-13

atha= thereafter; taah= those; ardha sapta shataah= THREE
HUNDRED AND FIFTY pramadaah= women; dhritavrataah= steadfast in their vow (of devotion to their husband); taamra lochanaah= having red eyes; parivaarya= encircling; kausalyaam= Kausaly; jagmuh= went; shanaih= slowly.

'Encircling Kausalya, three hundred fifty women, steadfast in their vow (of devotion to their husband), with their eyes reddened, went there slowly.'

(ii) Valmiki Ramayana, Book II : Ayodhya Kanda, Chapter (Sarga) 39, Verse 34 & 35:

Rama said to Queen Kausalya, His mother,

"Oh, mother! You do not grieve. You look after my father. The end of exile will come rather soon."

"Fourteen years will elapse, while you are asleep. you as such, will see me, duly arrived here in my entire being, surrounded by my well-wishers."

(iii) Valmiki Ramayana, Book II : Ayodhya Kanda, Chapter (Sarga) 39, Verse 36:

एतावद् अभिनीत अर्थम् उक्त्वा स जननीम् वचः |
त्रयः शत शत अर्धा हि ददर्श अवेक्ष्य मातरः || २-३९-३६

etaavad abhiniita artham uktvaa sa jananiim vacah |
trayah shata shata ardhaa hi dadarsha avekshya maatarah || 2-39-36

36. uktvaa = uttering; vachah = words; etaavat = of such quality; abhiniitaartham = end appropriate meaning; aavekshhya = refelected again; dadarsha = (and) gazed at; trayah shata shataardhaah = his three hundred fifty; maatarah cha = mothers also.

Uttering the aforesaid words of such quality and appropriate meaning to his mother, Rama thought once again and gazed at his three hundred and fifty step-mothers.

(iv) Valmiki Ramayana, Book II : Ayodhya Kanda, Chapter (Sarga) 39, Verses 37 to 40:

Rama joined his palms and saluted those step mothers also, who were too distressed in the same way and spoke these words which were in consonance with the spirit of righteousness.

"Please excuse me, if I have done any mistake either becuase of our living together or due to ignorance on my part. I now take leave of you all."

All those women, whose mind was overpowered with grief, heard the aforesaid cool submission of Rama, which was in consonance with righteousness.

While Rama was speaking thus, an outery, resembling the wail of female cranes arose from those wives of Dasaratha.

4. Shri Ram used to eat meat

चतुर्दश हि वर्षाणि वत्स्यामि विजने वने। 
मधुमूलफलैर्जीवन्हित्वा मुनिवदामिषम्।।2.20.29।। 

अमिषम् all meat, हित्वा abstaining, मुनिवत् like a hermit, मधुमूलफलैः honey, fruits and roots, जीवन् while living, चतुर्दश fourteen, वर्षाणि years, विजने in a desolate, वने in the forest, वत्स्यामि am to dwell.

Abstaing from eating meat like hermits and living on honey, fruits and roots, I am to dwell in the desolate forest for fourteen years. [Valmiki Ramayan -Ayodha kand 20:29]

5. It was written around 400-500BC

1. The ramayan you know, the ramayan that is recited in temples-homes-programs is NOT original ramayan but it is tulsidas written ramcharitmanas. The ramayan you viewed in TV Serial was also based on ramcharitmanas.
2. Shri Ram chandr Ji was projected only as a human being in the original ramayan, however in the tulsidas written ramcharitmanas he was projected as a diety or God or incarnation of God.

Note: This post is only for providing information. It should not be used for any negative propagation or spreading hatred/ disharmony.It can be used for informing about ramayna to our hindu brethren in humble and lovely manner.Author can be reached at

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