Friday, March 15, 2013

The Gospel of Barnabas

Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh
The Gospel of Barnabas :
The Gospel of Barnabas is accredited to Barnabas, a companion/disciple of Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him). If you read through this book, you'll be surprised that Jesus mentioned Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by name many times andBarnabas gave alot of descriptions of events in the life of Jesus, example: how Jesus was not killed on the cross, but Juda (a companion of Jesus who betrayed him) was made to look like Jesus and killed by the Romans instead.

It has alot of interesting stories within it, many which match the Islamic view on Jesus (i.e. that he is not the son of God), and much much more... It's a really interesting read, and you'll see how many early Muslims (the salaf) resembled Jesus in their beliefs and actions because many of them had probably read this Gospel when they were Unitarian (monotheist) Christians and converted to Islam when they heard about the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

A really good read, highly recommended.

Download Gospel of Barnabas - Ebook here FREE: