In his autobiography, Dr. Charles, an American scholar says that it is very simple to define a Hindu. He says a Hindu means "one who believes anything and everything if said in the name of God and shall never question its authenticity".
The Brahmins claim that Lord Rama is incarnated (came in human form) to
study and understand the difficulties of mankind. Is it really necessary
for a god to incarnate Himself? Can He not understand His creation? Or
has his intellect also been destroyed by the Brahmins ? Why should God
become a donkey or a cockroach in order to understand the sufferings of
these creatures?
Lord Rama is the central character of the Epic RAMAYANA (whose author
was Valmiki). Rama is the son of Dasharath, the king of Banaras.
Dasharath had three wives, Kaushaliya, Kaikeyi and Smitra besides
several hundred concubines.
According to the Ramayana, Rama spent most of his life trying to save
his wife Sita from the clutches of Ravan. At the same time Rama was
enjoying life to the full at every opportunity. In addition, Rama is
responsible for the genocide of Dravidians when he ordered the firing of
Lanka which led to thousands of Dravidian men, women and children being
burnt alive.
When "god" Rama was exiled to the forest together with his wife,
Sukrievan appeared as a deer and fooled "god" Rama. Although Rama was a
"god", he was not able to see through Sukrievan's disguise.
To retrieve his wife from `devil' Ravan, 'god' Rama sought the help of
Hanuman, a monkey 'god'. Hanuman agreed to help Rama bring his wife back
on condition that 'god' Rama in turn help him (Hanuman) to kill his
twin brother prior to undertaking the mission.
It took more than twelve years for Hanuman to build a bridge and
accomplish the task, while Ravan just took Sita and flew to Sri Lanka in
just one day's time. Where is the bridge that Rama built? Who is more
powerful- 'god' Rama or devil Ravan? Would a 'god' seek the help of
another 'god' to murder a third god?
* If Hanuman could fly carrying big mountains, he should have in the
first instance carried and flown 'god' Rama to Sri Lanka, which would
have resulted in early rescue of Sita.
Before helping 'god' Rama, Hanuman made Rama shoot his own twin brother
in the back and only then did Hanuman help 'god' Rama. How can a "god"
indulge in such a criminal act for personal gain?
When 'god' Rama was told to go to the forest, he mournfully revealed to
his mother: It has been ordained that I have to lose the kingdom, forego
the princely comforts and the tasty MEAT-DISHES. (Ayothia Kandam, 20, 26, 94th Chapters).
In Mr. C.R. Sreenivasalyengar's translation of Valmiki Ramayana, it
says: 'Though Rama had married Sita to be the queen, he married many
other wives for sexual pleasure in accordance with the royal customs.
(Ayodhya Kandam 8th Chapter, Page 28). (The term "Rama's wives" has been
used in many places in Ramayana).
Rama called his father "a FOOL, an IDIOT" (Ayodhya Kandam, 53 rd Chapter).
Rama disfigured and mutilated many women by cutting off their noses,
breasts, ears, etc. and tortured them (Soorpanagai, Ayomuki). Rama said, "Women should not be trusted" and that "Secret sshould not be confided to the wife".
(Ayodhya Kandam, Chapter 100). Sambuka was slain (by Rama) because he
was making penance which was forbidden to him by Vedas as he was a
"Shudra". (Uttara Kandam, Chapter 76).
Looking at his hand Rama said the Sanskrit slogan "Oh right hand, you
kill this Asche Shudra unhesitatingly as killing this Shudra is the only
way to get back the life of the deceased Brahmin boy. Are you not one
of the limbs of Rama?" (Valmiki Ramayanam)
Note: This Rama, who mercilessly took away the life of Sambuka for no
other fault than that of making penance is held as the Avatar
(incarnation) of Vishnu!
Rama, like an ordinary man, fell down into the river and DROWNED (Uttara
Kandam, Chapter 106). How can a "god" die? Who will then look after the
affairs of the world?
The negationist television serials depict Sita as supposedly denying
Ravan's advances. However, the oldest versions of Ramayana (read - those
not yet manipulated by the Brahmins) belie these falsehoods, and amply
demonstrate that Sita willingly eloped with Ravana, the Black Tamil
Thus Sita told Rama "You are no better than a womanmonger who lets his
wife for hire and makes his livelihood. You want to be profited by my
prostitution". Sita also told Rama "You lack in POTENCE, manners and
charm" and she called her husband a simpleton.
As soon as Sita stepped into Ravan's palace, her love towards Ravan grew more. (Aranya Kandam, Chapter 54).
When at length Rama asked Sita to swear about her chastity, she declined and died. (Uttar Kandam, Chapter 97)
Kukuvavathy, sister-in-law of Rama, said to him - "Oh Elder! How you
love Sita more than you love yourself! Come with me and see what really
is in your lovely wife's heart. Still she could not forget that fellow
Ravan. Drawing a picture of Ravan on a hand-fan and pressing it closely
to her bosom. She is lying on your bed with eyes closed thinking on and
rejoicing at Ravan's glories. Rama sighed and went out to Sita's house.
There she was found sleeping pressing to her breast the hand-fan on
which Ravan's picture was drawn." (This is found in pages 199, 200 of
the Bengali Ramayana written by Mrs. Chandravathi).
When such dastardly acts are proven to have been perpetrated by Rama,
the Brahmin leaders declare : "My Rama (god Rama) is not the Rama of
Ramayana". So each Brahmin has his own Aryan god Rama, which does not
exist in any text !
MAHATHMA GHANDI : "The Ramayana and Mahabaratha are nothing but another Arabian Nights story".
JAWAHERLAL NEHRU : "Rama is not a god; but he is a hero ".
C. RAJAGOPALACHARI, First Governor General of India & Ex Chief
Minister, Tamil Nadu). : "Ramayana is not a divine story; it is only a
-- cited in KALIYUGA KAMBAN,
The cataclysmic Mahabharata War was engineered by this `god'. Lord
Krishna was also very fond of looking at naked young girls. Once upon a
time Krishna, in order to get a full view of some bathing virgin girls,
went to the extent of hiding their clothes on the tree tops just to get
a panaromic view. Does he obtain divine immunity from looking at a
naked woman?
The Gita, a Holy Book of the Hindus, quotes that when these bathing low
caste girls (gopis, or Sudra cow-herdesses) begged for the return of
their clothes. Lord Krishna demanded that they come out of the water
with their hands raised instead of covering their bodies. Can this
action be attributed to a god? Is this god capable of indulging in such
ungodly acts?
The Times of India reported on 12-11-87 that the Education Department,
Government of Maharashtra, had published a book called "The Riddle of
Rama and Krishna" by Dr. Ambedkar.
The report said that various statements contained in the book aroused
the ire of some Brahmins, particularly the author's observations on Rama
and Dasharath's many wives and also Krishna's moral character. (The
Riddle of Rama and Krishna, available from Dalit Sahithya Academy,
Bangalore). This book it a must read for all.
According to Hinduism, god Shiva's head is the source of the river
Ganges and his head is also the place where the moon is located. (If
this was really a fact then why should America send astronaut Neil
Armstrong 240,000 miles away to the moon ?).
According to Puranans, goddess Parvathi, wife of god Shiva, sought
Shiva's permission to have a baby. When Shiva refused, Parvathi took
dirt from her body and created Lord Ganesh.
Later God Shiva mistakenly chopped off his own son's head. How could a
"god" make such a foolish mistake? Would such a god solve your problems
or make them more complicated?
To rectify his error god Shiva severed the head of a
baby elephant and transplanted it onto his son who then became known as
the Elephant-headed god. His statues are usually found near
river-sides where he is said to be looking for a bride resembling his
mother! (There is a different version to this story which, for decency's
sake, cannot be printed here).
A recent report by United Press trust of India (UPI) stated that during
the past three years more than 2,500 young boys and girls were
sacrificed to goddess Kali in India. Another of AFP's recent reports
say: hundreds of young boys and virgin girls are sacrificed every month
for the deity Kali. In one case Rama Sewak hacked his eight year old son
to death in broad daylight in Dehii because goddess Kali had told him
he would come back to life and bring him good fortune. Bloodthirsty Kali
is worshipped openly the length and breadth of India.
Kali's statue stands naked astride the inanimate body of the Hindu deity
Shiva, tongue stuck out with blood dripping from fang-like teeth. She
holds a noose, a skull-topped staff, a blood-encrusted sword and a
severed head. She is also known as Durga, Devi, Shaktima, Uma and
Parvathi in other manifestations.
The priest of Delhi, Kali Bari, says that a child sacrificed to Kali
ensures a man the birth of a son. Human sacrifices are also made to
these gods or goddesses, either to appease them or to ask favours of
Bihar's police chief J. Sahay said: "We have tried our best to curb
human sacrifices, but what can an agency do when an entire village
chooses a victim and cuts off his head with his parent's consent."
Bihar's famous lawyer, Urnkant Chaturvedi, said that "Human sacrifice
under our law is treated as murder, but the killer- never found - is
always the local high priest." He continues, "at times the local
policemen are reluctant to take action because of the inbred fear of the
gods and goddesses."
A famous human sacrifice occurred in 1972 when a powerful leader in
Maharashtra state- in order to find a treasure - offered blood from 11
virgin girls to Manja. He did not find the treasure, but four persons
were hanged for the crime and the main culprit escaped because of his
political influence. Some time ago, two brothers named Siddharth and
Ravi asked their 21 year old sister Shobha to take a bath and come for
prayers to a nearby temple in Kerala State. To her horror, the brothers
pierced her with a sword and iron rods whilst chanting Vedic mantras.
Withering in pain, she begged for pity, but she was cut to pieces and
her body burned bit by bit. The brothers had done it to unearth a hidden
treasure. At first they tried to find another victim but when they
failed to find another virgin girl, they sacrificed their own sister.
One may ask why this human sacrifice is so prevalent in Brahmanic
society and is sanctioned in the Vedas (where it is mentioned as
`purushamedha'? Only Brahmin children are exempted by the Vedas from
human sacrifice.
This goddess was married to five brothers. Which one would become the
legitimate father of his child should she have one? Dr Charles says that
instances of incest are common in Hindu scriptures.
SHANKARACHARYA OF PURI, NIRANJAN DEV TEERTH, one of the BRAHMINS' supreme Spiritual leaders, gave an interview to the Kalyan (Hindu) monthly magazine. Extracts are given below:
Q: "Maharaj! if a Shudra acts righteously, can he become a Brahmin?"
A: "If the Shudra acts according to his code and keeps within the limit
of Varnashrama he may become a Brahmin in the next birth - but never in
the present."
Q: "Is the belief in the caste system essential?"
A: "Yes, it is very essential. There can be no PROGRESS without belief in caste system.
Q: "Maharaj! The change of caste depends on deeds and virtues."
A: "No, it depends on birth and not on deeds. Caste depends on birth, deeds cannot change it. This is an IRREFUTABLE TRUTH".
At the inaugurating of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (RSS Branch) at Patna
in April 1969, the Shankaracharya (of course he is a Brahmin! ) said:
"Untouchabitity is a part and parcel of Hindu social system, I shall cling to this belief even if they HANG ME. "
On Low Caste Hindus! Have a look and see what the Brahmin MANU says
(Chapter VIII Sloka 4,14). "Slavery is inborn among the Shudras and no
one can free them from it".
The Brahmin MANU again says in Chapter 19, Sloka 413: "Sri Brahmin had
intended from eternity that the Untouchables should be born slaves, live
as slaves, and die as slaves."
On another occasion the Acharya said that there was no way out for a
woman who becomes a widow other than to commit Sati. He said he will
oppose the Sati law even if the Government of India HANGS him.
Instead of sending him to prison, according to the Indian constitution,
this fanatic priest is often visited and worshipped by the top Brahmin
leaders in India.
Does Hinduism have the answers for todays problems? Alcoholism - Drugs- Divorce - Suicide etc.
To these gods move, think or speak?
Can they defend themselves if attacked; or mend themselves if broken?
Don't you think it foolish to worship these manmade objects?
Ask yourself who is your God? Is it Shiva, who has the moon and river
Ganges on his head and who could not identify his own son? Or is it Rama
who couldn't see through Sukrievan's disguise and who murdered another
god? Or could it be Krishna, the "playboy god"?
The Continuing War on Low Caste Hindus......
NEW DELHI, Sept. 19 (R) - Three Indian students set themselves ablaze
today to try to shock the government into scrapping plans to reserve
more government jobs for low castes in the Hindu hierarchy.
'This (job's plan) is for the poor classes who have been denied their
rights for thousands of years. The students shouldn't come in their
way," Paswan told Reuters. Protests led by upper-caste students began
sweeping north India soon after Prime Minister Vishwanath Pratap Singh
said on August 7 that 27 percent of government jobs would be set aside
for low castes.
Paswan was himself born an "untouchable" or outcast in the system, which
traditionally decides occupation and status by birth. "Untouchables"
prefer to call themselves "Dalits," the oppressed. Paswan told a
conference of political leaders and officials today that the jobs plan
had to go ahead to raise the status of low castes and create a more
sympathetic bureaucracy.
He said the upper castes were still taking jobs set aside 40 years ago
for Dalits by simply delaying the implementation of reservation
policies. Bureaucrats would employ an upper-caste graduate with
irrelevant qualifications for a typist's job and turn down a Dalit
trained to type at 60 words per minute, he said.
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